Garang - berfikiran kritikal - berkarisma - cemerlang -sedia berkhidmat - berakhlak mulia

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Oil For Food Scandal - Malaysia's Involvement

The Oil for Food Scandal

Save the picture for greater clarity

What is "the Oil for Food scandal"?
How is Malaysia involved?
Why should Malaysia be involved?

I googled and found this website which contains the Report .

But I did a "Find" on Malaysia . The pictures I attached in this blog post shows the results of a "Find" on Malaysia . Please be assured that I did not do this with a biased mind or with any intentions at all .

I agree there are a few other pages where the word "Malaysia" was mentioned , but those were mainly on Graphs and the articles on "Mastek Sdn Bhd" . It is unnecessary to refer to "Mastek Sdn. Bhd. that much. Therefore, it creates suspicion on how Mastek is involved.

Wait for my next blog for more.

manifestogwl@theTun is one of the Harimau Malayas, studying in Australia. His interest is in local politics especially the contributions of the past leaders of Malaysia. Yet he believes that greater things are ahead for Malaysia as the government strives towards the goal of Wawasan 2020.


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